
These are the available variables


Hash containing the data from XML

Display the main table

  <%= render 'table' %>

Change all rows in a table

  @docs.each do |doc|
    doc["first name"] = doc["first name"].titleize


Array of fields to present from the @docs variable

Add field

  @show_fields += ["first name", "last name"] 

Quick add field

  @show_fields << "address"

Remove field

  @show_fields -= ["first name", "last name"]

Redefine order

Normally we define order in the fields tag when getting data, but we can also change order here

  @show_fields = ["first name", "last name"]    


The primary key and search parameters from the parent will be put in the hash called params. Then the child view can use these values to fetch more data if needed, or do lookups.
