
These are the available methods for use in Ruby Views.

Get data

Example: Get active customers

  customers = table("customers", active:true, fields:"name, email")


  table(table, criteria, fields:, filter:, rows:)
  • table table name
  • criteria Add criteria as needed e.g.: school:”fro”, class:”3a”, year:”2001”
    • if conflict with built in parameters, wrap them in one pair of curly braces {} as parameter 2
  • fields comma separated string of fields to retrive, e.g. fields:”first_name, last_name”
  • filter optional filter with solr syntax. same as tag “filter”
  • rows default is 20 rows. Increase to improve sorting, or download more files at once. Set ‘MAX_ROWS’ if needed, but check performance when using large values.
  • Returns empty array [] if no hits

Lookup data

Lookup data in another table. This is similar to using the tag “lookup” in xml

Example: Lookup address_id to find the city

  lookup(main:customers, foreignkey:"address_id", table:"address", primarykey:"id", fields:"city")

table customers will be updated with the new data


  lookup(main:, foreignkey, primarykey:, fields:, table:)
  • main existing variable that you want to extend with more data
  • foreignkey the foreign key in the main document
  • primarykey the primary key in the lookup table
  • table the lookup table that has more info