
These are som frequently used code snippets for the ruby view.

Table of Contents

  1. Examples
    1. Display the main table
    2. Add a new column for full name
    3. Provide an alternative value
    4. Use first part of the string
    5. Convert utc to local time
    6. Convert utc to formatted local time
    7. Using only the date part
    8. Custom method
    9. Show blank page if no data

Display the main table

<%= render 'table' %>
  • Will write the content of variable @docs that come from xml

Add a new column for full name

Make a new column that combines first name and last name

  @docs.each do |doc|
    doc["full name"] = doc["first name"] + " " + doc["last name"]
  @show_fields << "full name"

Provide an alternative value

Show the student grade if it exists, or show a dashed line if its missing

  @docs.each do |doc|
    doc["grade"] ||= "-----"

Use first part of the string

E.g. remove time from the string 12.02.2024 11:00

  @docs.each do |doc|
    doc["date"] = doc["date"][0..9]

Convert utc to local time

  @docs.each do |doc|
    doc["date"] = doc["date"].in_time_zone

Note The date will be presented a little different. See next example for formatting.

Convert utc to formatted local time

If you want to format the result at the same time

  @docs.each do |doc|
    doc["date"] = doc["date"].in_time_zone.strftime("%d.%m.%Y %H:%M")    

Using only the date part

Sometimes we only want the date and not the time part

  @docs.each do |doc|
    doc["rental_days"] = (doc["return_date"].to_date - doc["rental_date"].to_date).to_i

Note If needed, use in_time_zone.to_date

Custom method

Write out numbers e.g. 3 as “3 tre”, D as “Deltatt” Returns original string if not found

  def write_out_grade(str)
    map = {
      "1" => "1 en", 
      "2" => "2 to",
      "3" => "3 tre", 
      "4" => "4 fire",
      "5" => "5 fem", 
      "6" => "6 seks", 
      "D" => "Deltatt", 
      "G" => "God", 
      "NG" => "Nokså god", 
      "LG" => "Lite god", 
      "FU" => "Fullført utdanning",
      "IM" => "Ikke møtt" }
    map[str] || str 

Show blank page if no data

When no data, its good to exit early to avoid errors.

  return if @docs.empty?