Part 6: Using data from other tables

Now it’s time to get a bit more advanced, by including data from another table in the database.

  1. Within the table film there is a column language_id, which we will add to our <fields> tag.
    <title>Den beste tabellen</title>
    <fields>title as tittel, description as beskrivelse, language_id</fields>

Now our table looks like this:

  1. As you can see, the language_id column has been added, but it is unfortunatly not very user-friendly in it’s current state, as the language is only represented by a number. This is because there is another table in our database: language, which correlates the IDs with a language.

  2. To make our table use the name of the language instead of the ID, we need to use the <lookup> tag. This tag allows us to use a field as a key in another table, to replace the field itself with values from that second table. The <lookup> tag requires 4 child tags within it, which are as follows:

XML tagUsage
<table>The name of the table we want to lookup data within. In our case this will be language.
<primarykey>The name of the column from our original table (film) that we will match against a key in the new table (language). In our case it is language_id
<foreignkey>The name of the column in the table we are performing the lookup within that will be matched against the <primarykey>. This is also language_id, as the columns have the same names in both the film and language tables.
<fields>The names of the columns we want to retrieve data from. We only want the name of the language, which is stored in the name column
  1. That means we need to make the following addition to our XML template:
    <title>Den beste tabellen</title>
    <fields>title as tittel, description as beskrivelse, language_id</fields>
        <fields>name as språk</fields> <!-- We can rename the field using the "as" keyword we learned in part 5 -->
  1. Now our table includes the language: